Ocean Liner Adjustable Desk Lamp
£240.00 (inc. VAT)
Stylish Adjustable Ocean Liner Cabin Lamp
Beautifully styled quality Trinity Marine light.
We remade these from an original 1970’s ocean liner desk lamp, to stop them from being gone forever.
Exactly quality and weight of the original cabin lamps. Can be wall mounted if taken off the base.
Angle poise in style, directional, mounted and wired with silk twisted flex, inline switch – ready to go!
Takes a standard screw in E27 bulb.
Dimensions :
Base W 15 | D 15cm | 5kg
We ship all over the World, please contact us.
15 in stock
Beacons and Antique Lamps
Royal Navy Fittings and Artefacts
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Table & Desk Lights
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