Glancing through websites, as one does – it’s hard to ignore the wave of marine & nautical inspired collections that have been hitting fashion shows & home decor sites.

Incredible to see the SS19 Chanel runway show in Paris .. an actual mock up ocean liner with dock side bollards!

In a World where visual is key, this Quayside is a stroke of creative genius.

It appears that we have a nostalgic hankering for classical pieces, designers bringing it to the world stage and the rest of us follow, being subconsciously drawn to all things elegant.

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The fact is that on the whole we view Ocean Liner travel as elegant, classic and elite , none so more than pre mid century .. the likes of which are ships that we will probably not see again.

The super liners now have commerce at their very heart, everything being placed, made and viewed with monetary value as the key defining feature. The days of the top designers and crafts men , brass & wooden instruments & superior fittings that we have salvaged over the years are gone.

Thats not to say that today’s Ocean liners are not beautifully fitted , with superb visual & design features, but we know from several years of breaking ships

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The industrial theme is still very present in many home decor sites, retail and restaurant chain , albeit sadly some with flimsy imitations. Mid century furniture is going strong and very desirable , and rightly so ..  classic and functional lines and then there’s nautical  .. it’s inspiration is everywhere , from the sea side gift shop to the major fashion house .. and as for us here at Trinity Marine , we will continue to source the very best of marine & nautical fixtures , fittings and collectables for you and the next generations

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Original Danish Ships Brass Cargo Light with Grill . Trinity Marine 11 - Trinity Marine